Lifestyle,  What's On My Mind

Chilling in Dublin on Saturday

After pretty rough week I was glad for a day spent in Irish metropolis. Dublin is my favorite Irish city and that’s pretty easy considering you don’t get many cities in Ireland. However Dublin has a lots to offer, thanks God. Originally I wasn’t supposed to travel there, but after discussion with my friends I met one of them in the bus to Dublin and we traveled together to meet the third one from our gang. This one celebrated her bday a week before so we decided to make a little late celebration of our own too (hence the bday balloon).

Just to give you an idea, it takes about two and half hours from Waterford to Dublin which is about the similar journey like Brno – Prague. This journey never really bothers me, in fact I do enjoy it every time I travel.

Dublin did surprise me and now I’m not being sarcastic – sunny, warm and no wind at all – jackpot (and also that’s why I took so many photos, duh)! Thanks God girls decided not to go shopping and instead to have a quick pizza, ice-cream on Henry street (that contained milk, I confess :/ ) and to go by Luas to the Phoenix Park. So we sat down in the park for about an hour and chatted about all the news from our personal lives. There are many interesting attractions in Phoenix Park e.g. Wellington Monument (featured image above) we sat nearby, or Dublin Zoo which I’d like to return to (and take you with me). In one part of this park there are deer running freely, unfortunately I haven’t seen any of them yet.

I’m travelling to Dublin quite often, usually every 4 – 6 weeks so you can definitely look forward to more posts and photos from Irish metropolis.

munster bar in Waterford

Quick shot of Waterford from the bus

The Spire, Dublin

The Spire, Dublin’s attraction

Dublin city centre

ice cream on Henry street

Ice cream from Ginos on Henry Street, the needle behind it is The Spire

main post office, Dublin

a friend with Wellington Monument

friends in Phoenix park, Dublin

selfie of Brazilian gang

friends in Phoenix Park, Dublin

random pub in Dublin