
  • Ireland,  Travelog

    Weekends on the move: After eight years again on the Giant’s Causeway

    The Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland’s stunning natural beauty, attracts all kinds of tourists and has lured me twice in the last decade. In the years 2014 – 2016, we traveled a lot around Ireland and at the end of September we headed to the famous Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland for the first time. Coincidentally, I returned to the same place in September 2022 with my friend N. He had never been there and has a car, so I joined and it was very nice. The funny thing is that it was ugly during both visits, so I only have cloudy photos. Hopefully I’ll be more lucky the third time…

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  • Ireland,  Travelog

    Weekends on the move: girls weekend in Galway

    On the third weekend in April, my friends and I had a planned trip to the northwestern capital of Ireland, Galway. We stayed overnight and I had one of my cameras with me and I would love to share my experiences with you. I’ve been to Galway before, some ten years ago, but we just stopped there for a while and during bad weather and drove on again. This weekend was the first time I got around the city and saw Salthill, which is a very popular part of Galway overlooking the ocean and the Burren National Park in County Clare. The main reason for visiting Galway was a concert,…

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  • Travelog

    In Switzerland for the 1st time: One day in Grindelwald

    Last full day in Switzerland. Last trip. It must have been to the Alps themselves, of course. So let’s do it! Grindelwald is a village just below the Swiss Alps in the Jungfrau region. And no, it has nothing to do with Harry Potter haha I had to go there because simply the Alps and who wouldn’t want to see them. The same train goes there from Interlaken as it goes to Lauterbrunnen, but it is divided in one village before, because there is a mountain range between Lauterbrunnen and Grindelwald. I didn’t have a map for Grindelwald, because I knew I wanted to take the cable car to First,…

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  • Photo Corner,  Travelog,  What's On My Mind

    Photo corner: London during Fall 2022

    Well, not visiting London is like not travelling at all. I don’t fly there that often, but in 2022 I was there twice and in the fall I purposely stayed longer so that I could take pictures of this iconic English city. I flew there in mid-November for the Within Temptation and Evanescence concert. Yes, the two bands played a concert together at The O2 and it was a blast. I was not in London alone, but with a friend. We stayed at the Good Hotel just outside Greenwich (the black little building on the left in the photo below). The hotel was pretty good, but I probably wouldn’t stay…

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  • Travelog

    In Switzerland for the 1st time: How did I prepare for the trip

    I am currently planning my vacation in Switzerland (I started writing the article in the summer of 2023) and in addition to the classic things like what to see where, I realized that there are also quite a few things that one should be careful about before departure. In this article I will use Switzerland as an example, but of course all the points can be applied to other countries as well. I’m going to try not to write a novel, think of this as a list of things to check – Google has more info 🙂 1. Electrical plugs Most of Europe has the same plugs as we know…

  • Travelog

    In Switzerland for the 1st time: One day in Lauterbrunnen

    Arriving in Interlaken naturally meant trips to the Swiss Alps. I had two stops planned – the first was Lauterbrunnen, known to everyone on socials. Lauterbrunnen has become famous on social media for short videos from the heart of the village that take in local buildings with hills and waterfalls. Of course, it all looks like something from a fairy tale, and you think that if you’re ever in Switzerland, you definitely have to go there too. Or at least that’s what I told myself and added Lauterbrunnen to the itinerary. Originally, I had planned to visit this village in the valley of waterfalls only on Friday and save Thursday…

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  • Ireland,  Travelog

    Weekends on the move: 200 years of The Metalman in Tramore

    At the last moment, I am looking back at the trips this year. This time I’m taking you to Metalman in Tramore – an unofficial vantage point over the cliffs of the Celtic Sea. If you ever visit Waterford, the locals will surely tell you that you just have to go to Tramore. Tramore is a small town right by the Celtic Sea, where not only locals like to go. You will find a very nice view here, but mainly a large beach, along which you can walk or get wet in the sea. More about Tramore in one of my first articles. By the way, the so-called Metalman is…

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  • Travelog

    In Switzerland for the 1st time: two days in Interlaken

    It wouldn’t be a holiday in Switzerland if I didn’t also go to the mountains! The next stop after the beautiful Swiss cities was Interlaken, popular with tourists, not far from the Swiss Alps! Interlaken served as my second base. Here I booked a hotel and planned day trips. If you ever think about a trip to Switzerland and want to see the cities and the nature, I cannot recommend Interlaken more highly. The town is located 2 hours by train from Zurich and about half an hour by train from the Alps themselves! The town itself is very nice and has a lot to offer. I was in Interlaken…

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  • Travelog

    In Switzerland for the 1st time: Is Swiss vacation really that expensive?

    We all know that Switzerland is said to be expensive. And a lot of people skip this beautiful country just because of that. Normally I don’t post anywhere how much my trips cost me, but I decided to make an exception for Switzerland. So is it really that expensive in Switzerland? In this article I will share how much I paid for both hotels, flights, transportation and food/souvenirs. I will compare all amounts to Ireland/Euros. Unfortunately, I can’t compare with the Czech Republic, because I haven’t been there for a long time and I don’t have an overview of how much it costs. No, I won’t tell you how much…

  • Ireland,  Photo Corner,  Travelog,  What's On My Mind

    Photo corner: Kilkenny town during a heatwave

    I’m just saving the photos here from last year’s visit to Kilkenny at the end of August. Some of them still look great even after one-ish year, so I’m glad they turned out so well, because the sun wasn’t really shy that day. You could see most of the photos on my Instagram, but if the algorithm didn’t show them to you… I wrote about Kilkenny two years ago, if you don’t know which town it is – the article is here. There is a mishmash of everything – from the castle, street photos, nature and even street art. Enjoy! We are starting with the castle of course… …then let’s…