
  • Thoughts,  What's On My Mind

    I feel good and I’m not afraid to show it

    I’m aware that my public image can get onto nerves to some people. And also, that I don’t owe an explanation to anyone. But maybe this short article full of thoughts will help someone. Recently I’ve started my ninth year in Ireland. It’s been eight years since I moved to the Emerald Isle. And although my social media are full of rainbows and unicorns, it had not always been like that. On Saturday, the day of my moving anniversary, I posted a simple Story on my Insta Stories where I mentioned the moving and that I feel happy. Obviously this can all be misleading. That girl is annoying – always…

  • Thoughts,  What's On My Mind

    How art affects our day-to-day lives

    Every morning when commuting to work, into a business park full of small and big corporations, I see employees marching into their company in a glare of the rising sun and the rays reflecting on surrounding polished buildings. Most of these companies have nothing to do with art – there are IT companies, company which sells their employees’ skills and experience to other companies, Irish company for battery collection and my corporation. My current job is, in fact, part of a big corporation but somehow artsy too which is why I’ve taken the job couple of months ago. Lots of us isn’t that lucky and sells our skills and experience…

  • Thoughts,  What's On My Mind

    When enough is enough

    I’m sitting on my bed, like a burrito wrapped in my blanket with water bottles and bloody tissues surrounding me ’cause my nostril has been bleeding since morning. The only companion is the turned on heater. A perfect Sunday. Everything started during the week when I woke up with a slight sore throat literally out of nowhere. This sore throat has later on evolved into a running nose. Welp, for the fourth time this year, however, as they say – treated runny nose lasts a week, untreated one seven days. I can do this. Ugh, my ideas. Last time when I was sick, to be exact that was two weeks…

  • Po sedmi letech v Praze
    Thoughts,  Travelog,  What's On My Mind

    This is my story about returning to Prague for a weekend after nearly seven years

    Last November I started my eight year in Ireland. At the end of October, after nearly seven years (I visited my country when to finish my high school), I traveled back to Czech Republic. To be exact, I traveled only to Prague and for four days only. Of course I chose the weekend when my country celebrated 100 years since it was founded (technically, Czechoslovakia but details, right?). Alright, I didn’t choose this weekend on purpose. I had another gig (and no heart to reproach that to them). It doesn’t really matter where I was and what I was doing (yes, some details are below) but how I was feeling.…

  • editovani fotek
    Thoughts,  What's On My Mind

    How far can one go with photo editing?

    Today I have decided to focus on a topic which probably lots of you wouldn’t be essentially interested in. However, I think that those of you who follow big travel accounts on Instagram should read the article. A few weeks back I started to be irritated by a particular editing style big Insta accounts used. If any of you remember I refer to the orange haze over a photo. It was a new editing trend and sadly most accounts had used it, so in the end my Insta feed looked like an orange (yep, the fruit). At that time I was even thinking to record an IG Story about it…

  • tři důležité životní poznatky
    Lifestyle,  Thoughts,  What's On My Mind

    Three things I learned this year

    Okay, I don’t think I’m a life coach or anything. Maybe I’m not even old enough to write an article like this. Yet here I am writing it, writing it for my future self when I’m going to feel stuck again, hopeless, on the bottom. I’m writing this for anyone who feels that way these days because maybe you realize some things. The article headline smells like a good clickbait that’s why I decided that I won’t follow any lifestyle magazines and will try to write down a few actual examples with each item discussed. Stand Your Ground (and don’t be afraid to change the direction or opinion)Principles. Opinions. People.…

  • ferris wheel
    Thoughts,  What's On My Mind

    Sometimes all you need is to find money. Three times. Per a month.

    This Sunday was supposed to be like any other Sunday. Except me and my friend went to see a local Harvest festival and I don’t need to get up to work tomorrow. Ha. The festival was grand, basically the same as every year – lots of food stalls, lots of people and kids (I’m suspicious that all of them arrived to Waterford just to annoy me with their overcrowded presence).  The part I’ve enjoyed the most was the farm animals corner – some horses, pigs, sheep and a cow. There was one girl who excitedly screamed “Mom! Mom, look! There is a cow! A COW!” I mean okay .. We…