Gigs and Cons

Live: Cornelia Jakobs at Dublin

At the beginning of the month, I had the opportunity to experience the Swedish singer Cornelia Jakobs live for the first time at the Worksman venue in Dublin. I also had my concert camera with me, so I really have not only experiences for you, but also visuals.

If the name Cornelia Jakobs sounds familiar to you, then you probably watch Eurovision. Cornelia represented Sweden in 2022 with the power ballad Hold Me Closer. Sweden placed fourth overall that year. If you read my blog, you know that I love Eurovision and Hold Me Closer is one of my favorite songs from the 2022 edition. It was also the reason why I immediately bought a ticket to Cornelia’s concert.

I have to admit that I started listening to Cornelia properly after the concert – I didn’t have much time or mood before it, but I have to say that if you like Hold Me Closer, then definitely find time to listen to her other songs as well. It’s worth it. Personally, I have been thrilled over the last few months that Eurovision artists are finally including Dublin in their European tour. Before Corona, I literally only dreamed about it. So Cornelia came to Dublin as part of The Dragon Tour to Dublin on February 6th to Worskman.

I was at Worskman for the first time. It’s one of those random little venues in Dublin. This one is located right on the waterfront in the city center. I went to the concert alone (yes, my friends have no taste) and Cornelia’s support act was the same performer as Loreen – Tadhg. I felt a bit sorry for him, because for about the first two rows it was just a Swedish fan club and they didn’t understand Tadhg’s humor and performance at all (which is a shame for them, because the guy was killing it).

What was Cornelia like?

Okay, the introduction is over. Cornelia was fucking phenomenal. I really hope I get to see her perform again sometime. She only sang ten songs and it went by very quickly. She talked a lot between songs – I remember her mentioning Bambie Thug aka Ireland at Eurovision this year and saying she really liked it. Then she said that she was with the band in a pub and that she liked that there was live music.

I always like it when the performer has very sad songs and so on, and then live, when they perform, they are very funny. Cornelia is just like that. At the beginning of Fine, the fire alarm went off in the club, but no one kicked us out. Cornelia began the song again. Later, during another song, it happened again and then she joked that maybe it’s nothing and nothing will happen to us if security doesn’t kick anyone out of the club (From what I saw, because I was standing in the other part of the club, people were leaning on one random doors that for some reason have this alarm and it was then triggered).

As for Cornelia – she has an amazing raw voice. The kind where it sounds like he smokes way too many cigarettes every day. In addition to singing, she also played the guitar and despite the fact that it was a small intimate concert, she was able to entertain everyone beautifully. I saw on the socials later that after the concert she even went to the merch stand and met the fans (I didn’t stay, I ran to catch the earlier bus home). She also broke her sunglasses during the concert (she wore them as a prop during the first number) and threw them into the audience to an attendee.

I am very glad that I went and could experience this. Cornelia is now playing non-stop on my Spotify (along with other artists I’ve seen lately – I’ve got a busy February). It was also my first concert this year and I will definitely never forget it.

I also wanted to point out – there were about two or three photographers there – women and men and all around my age, which is really cool, because this part of the photo community is quite competitive and it’s nice to see that even young photographers can try this out/make a living doing this. Oh, I was also standing right by the exit and the staff of that club were standing next to me and no one said anything to me when I pulled out my camera. That was also very nice (and I know they probably don’t care, but still).

Due to recent events I must include this disclaimer: Please do not re-post any of my photos, do not attempt to get rid of the logo (it’s ugly for a reason). If you are interested in any of my photos feel free to reach out to me on Facebook or Insta. I’m usually a reasonable person. Any unauthorized use of my photos will be prosecuted.

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