
  • Ireland,  Lifestyle,  Travelog,  What's On My Mind

    Waterford Walls: a street art paradise in the oldest Irish city

    You don’t have to have a bachelor’s degree from art school, or wander around the train stations with a spray can in hand at night to appreciate what I’m about to show you. Okay, so what is Waterford Walls and why I won’t shut up about it? Waterford Walls is a street art festival that has been held in the Irish city of Waterford for six years. Although Waterford is the oldest city in Ireland, it has fallen economically after 2008 and unfortunately it is still trying to get out of it (every second store in the city is closed and the situation is not improving after Corona). Despite the…

  • Lifestyle,  What's On My Mind

    Which not-so-known series to watch aka my rec list

    This week I was inspired by an article by V., who wrote about her ten favorite series (you can find the link at the end of the article) and even though I would love to annoy you all with my superhero series, I decided to inspire you and serve you a dozen little known series. One of the reasons I don’t even want to write my favorite series is because we would’ve been here for quite long. And there is no chance that I will be able to put together a TOP10. But again, I spend a lot of time on series, and in the last month, I’ve discovered complete…

  • tři důležité životní poznatky
    Lifestyle,  Thoughts,  What's On My Mind

    Three things I learned this year

    Okay, I don’t think I’m a life coach or anything. Maybe I’m not even old enough to write an article like this. Yet here I am writing it, writing it for my future self when I’m going to feel stuck again, hopeless, on the bottom. I’m writing this for anyone who feels that way these days because maybe you realize some things. The article headline smells like a good clickbait that’s why I decided that I won’t follow any lifestyle magazines and will try to write down a few actual examples with each item discussed. Stand Your Ground (and don’t be afraid to change the direction or opinion)Principles. Opinions. People.…

  • Lifestyle,  What's On My Mind

    I got my first guitar ever!

    This year I have finally decided to let the dream come true. I bought myself a guitar. No, I don’t know how to play a guitar. That’s the whole point. To make it clear, I’ve always wanted to know how to play guitar, however I have never gotten the chance somehow. A few years ago I noticed that Lidl sells musical instruments as well, so naturally I was telling myself every year that I’ll wait for the next time they have the guitar for €50. Well, last time I said that to myself just before Christmas and they haven’t had them since then.. Plan B it is – to get…

  • kodaline
    Lifestyle,  What's On My Mind

    The Ultimate Irish Playlist

    It’s hard to believe but Irish music scene isn’t just U2, The Cranberries, Hozier and Enya. Apart from pop rock and pop folk, Irish can produce a pretty nice dance songs too. In this article I’d like to show you a sort of an ultimate Irish playlist – no matter if you’re heading here or not. Mainly I was also thinking that I keep talking about Keywest and you have no idea who they are and how they sound. All the following songs are being played on Irish radio stations, maybe some of them can be heard outside of Ireland too. Two disclaimers before we dive in:I am only showing…

  • Lifestyle,  What's On My Mind

    Vegan for a day

    It’s about two to three months I’ve decided to go diary free and to change the things I eat – at least a bit. Instead of crisps or Milka chocolate bars, I eat vegan chocolate, bars along with vegan crackers, popcorn and ice-cream. When my bestie V. paid me a visit back in April I’d eaten mostly vegan since she’s vegan too. It’s not my current food priority but I was curious and since I’m a huge food lover I didn’t see an issue with going (nearly) vegan for a day. We spent the first day in Cork, where we stopped on a several places (which is a huge difference…

  • Lifestyle,  What's On My Mind

    Chilling in Dublin on Saturday

    After pretty rough week I was glad for a day spent in Irish metropolis. Dublin is my favorite Irish city and that’s pretty easy considering you don’t get many cities in Ireland. However Dublin has a lots to offer, thanks God. Originally I wasn’t supposed to travel there, but after discussion with my friends I met one of them in the bus to Dublin and we traveled together to meet the third one from our gang. This one celebrated her bday a week before so we decided to make a little late celebration of our own too (hence the bday balloon). Just to give you an idea, it takes about…

  • Lifestyle,  What's On My Mind

    How Batman became ours

    When we had been moving to our current house a few years back, I thought I was prepared for everything (Dear Ms broker, the screaming kids running around the football pitch behind our house can be heard pretty clearly), however I had no clue what was coming with a bunch of stray cats living around our house estate. I even did not see coming that one of the cats, a black majestic cat, will I re-name Batman (I just went for it) and after four years of mutual respect and a couple of modeling sessions (see the photos below) somehow this cat became ours and we even feeding him now!…