Jessie J Dublin
Gigs and Cons

Jessie J concert in Dublin (including photos)

If anyone would have told me seven years ago, during Price Tag and Do It Like A Dude era that I will attend Jessie J gig, will have a total blast and all because of V., I wouldn’t have believed them a single word.

Just so you understand – I didn’t consider myself a huge fan of Jessie J (I knew seven out of seventeen setlist songs .. also use of a past tense since the only videos I watch on YouTube these days is Jessie ..) plus V. wasn’t listening to radio seven years ago – you’d probably find her sitting somewhere with earphones in and blasting Die Happy or another alternative rock band. I truly believed back then that she won’t get closer to pop than Rolling In The Deep. These days she even plays me Gaga or Robin Schulz (okay I may lowkey make fun of her but it is also fascinating to be around someone for so long that you start to notice the development in their music taste). Plus V. flew over to Dublin because of Jessie. V. never flies anywhere for gigs.

Jessie played Dublin’s National Stadium which isn’t stadium at all and is located in the middle of nowhere (even locals had no clue what place we were talking about). Me and V. googled that usually this is a venue for boxing matches but no concerts. I’ll skip stories about how we wanted to take a bus but the only one in a whole Dublin passing by the club was running just once an hour or a story about how we spent nearly an hour waiting outside the club in a rain because of the long queue ..

Let’s skip straight to the gig – the support act was a Dubliner Erica Cody with DJ Hannah. I wasn’t blew away by her at all but I’ve given her a listen before the gig and she doesn’t sound that bad in studio.

And what about Jessie? *insert heart eyes* I’m not even sure how to describe my feelings – I was expecting a great gig but I wasn’t expecting the total blast Jessie has delivered with her unmistakable charisma and voice. Jessie has released a few albums since Price Tag and maybe because the lack of mainstream in them she’s no longer heard on radio, however I had a feeling that as a performer she has delivered even more – singing, show, minutes of chat and jokes. As you can see on the photos – Jessie has changed four different costumes during the one show and she looked amazing in each of them.

As you know I go to concerts quite frequently and I think that I am very finicky when it comes to music and I do not enjoy every and each artist – they barely talk and just play, or they talk way too much trying to be funny but failing to be or they sound terrible live (unfortunately). Jessie hasn’t ticked a single box and I was super satisfied. She was being herself but also totally real the whole time which is sort of rare to see these days. I’m thrilled. And Jessie probably too as she gained another fan.

Don’t forget to click on each photo for a better resolution!

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