Gigs and Cons

Live: Fletcher in Dublin during ISOTA tour

The American singer Fletcher headed to Dublin twice as part of the In Search of the Antidote tour and of course I couldn’t miss it!

The Fletcher concert in May 2022 was my first concert since the start of the pandemic and it raised the bar high again for live music. When Fletcher released her second album, Girl of my dreams, and announced a European tour, it was clear that I had to go. The concerts were originally supposed to take place the first weekend in November last year, but Cari had health problems and postponed the tour until this spring.

The concerts finally took place on May 15 and 16 at the 3Olympia Theater in Dublin. I had standing tickets for both nights, because my friends were supposed to go with me on the first night (both are young and still managing to stand) and the second night I had a meet and greet, which they originally sold only with standing tickets.

Both nights were supported by the Arxx band, which I ended up having a lot of fun with. The first night I had Loops in my ears so I wouldn’t repeat Galway and because I found the music quite loud. The next evening I decided to give it a go without them (and luckily the ears survived).

I took notes from each concert so I wouldn’t forget anything, so let’s do it!


As I already wrote, I had a ticket for standing and ended up going alone. I originally stood closer to the stage, but people started to stick to me, so I decided to move further back and that was probably the best decision in the end.

This tour was supposed to do promo for the album Girl of my Dreams, but because of the postponing it was the turn of the new record In Search of the Antidote. So a lot of songs from the previous album didn’t fit into the setlist – like For Cari (Cari is Fletcher’s first name). This saddened a lot of fans, but who was in Dublin on May 15 got to enjoy For Cari acoustically after the singer lost rock, scissors, paper with the audience.

In addition to this exclusive, Fletcher repeated some of the same tour things as at other stops – during Undrunk she got into the audience and created a moshpit with them. Then she also had a reserved part of the concert to read funny messages from the audience on signs they held above their heads. For example, someone’s mom was there and her message read that she wanted Fletcher to sign her daughter’s breasts and stuff like that.

On the other hand, Cari managed to trip over the microphone stand twice – at the beginning and at the end of the concert. At the end of the concert, no one made her a microphone stand (another thing that was repeated at all the stops).

The singer had her parents there too and of course she had to mention them during the concert and we learned that Cari’s mother was first horrified by the lyrics and now she is her biggest fan. As for the atmosphere – Fletcher talked a lot, was funny and had great energy. She spoke very well about the audience in Dublin and as I remember, I left the concert completely excited and very happy that I had another concert the very next day.

THURSDAY 16TH MAY – Last stop of the ISOTA tour

As I mentioned, I had a meet and greet with Fletcher for that day. I don’t normally buy m&g anymore, but originally the November concert was important to me. So I arrived at the club earlier and stood in line. Funnily enough, I found out after a short time that another Czech woman was standing behind me. She turned out to be a professional hockey player with an engagement in Sweden (the Championship was going on at the time, so I lowkey was losing it lol). So at least we got through the waiting there before it was our turn.

As for the meet and greet. I don’t know how many tickets were originally sold, but just before the tour itself, the so-called upgrades went on sale. So anyone who had an ordinary ticket could buy a soundcheck or meet and greet. Which is fine. Except there were about 100 people at the m&g in Dublin that day and honestly, you could tell Cari was a bit done when it was our turn (we were in the second half). I’m not surprised at all. The m&g itself took place inside 3Olympia, in a very nice room that probably serves as a private bar or something.

When it was my turn, I only had about 2 minutes. Someone from the Fletcher team took my phone and took some m&g photos (no, they didn’t take them with a professional camera, but it was very well lit) while I tried to remember everything I wanted to say to Fletcher.

Honestly, I was sad that they put the upgrades on sale because there were just too many people. I think that for the money, it would be better if there were a maximum of 30 people and each of them had maybe 5 minutes with the singer. Well, I know I won’t buy a meet and greet next time. Otherwise, in addition to a photo and a short meeting, they also gave us a lanyard, a pin and a white textile bag (aka tote bag) with the inscription Antidote.

A soundcheck was also included in the meet and greet. Everyone with a meet and greet had about the first 5 rows reserved for standing (those who had a seat ticket sat according to their tickets). I managed to get to the right in the third row. The atmosphere there was great. If I remember correctly, she normally gave us 2 songs during soundchecks, but she sang us 4 – Two things can be true, 20 Something (for this song she told us to sing with her because she didn’t remember the lyrics much haha) and then my two favorites, Holiday and Healing! Soundcheck for me is therefore 11/10.

Then it was Arxx’s turn and shortly after that the main show – the setlist was the same, only For Cari was not performed. During the part of the concert where she read messages from the audience on cardboard boxes and papers, the Arxx were on the balcony and had a message where they asked Cari if they could be her mic stand during Becky’s so hot. Cari agreed, so Dublin finally had an iconic moment of the whole tour. Also at the concert was the girl whose mom had asked Fletcher to sign her breasts the day before and it happened. At the end, the singer wrote a tattoo for one person and they lent her a tie for it (which she then signed for them).

Of course, there was a moshpit during Undrunk and luckily I avoided it, even though it was close to me lol Besides, during both evenings she went out to the balcony and sang a song there. At the end, she brought champagne and sprayed most of it on us, then poured the rest over herself. But even before that, she had some things given to her by fans – for example, a sweatshirt with embroidery, a book with photos (which looked like meet and greet photos) or even an Irish football jersey! During Antidote, we then took out the printed papers that the fans gave us in line at the meet and greet. On those papers was Cari as a child and it said “You are her Antidote”. I got Cari in a Pikachu costume yay

Overall, the atmosphere of the closing night was amazing! I don’t know if it was because I was close to the stage and without earplugs, but Cari was in a great mood and gave it her all. And it was really recognizable.

I am very glad that I went to both concerts and was able to enjoy the singer to the fullest and hear some of my favorite songs twice live in a great atmosphere. Nothing compares to that.

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