cobh ireland
Ireland,  Travelog

Ahoi, Titanic!

Apart from lots of green and Cliffs of Moher, Ireland offers a lot of interesting history too. Today I’d like to take you to Cobh, or as it used to be called – Queenstown. Sounds familiar? Yup, that’s the last Titanic stop.

Cobh is a tiny village approx. 20 minutes by train from Cork. This places feeds itself through tourism, but to be quite honest I couldn’t imagine to live here as I had a feeling there is simply nothing. On the other hand if the accommodation is cheap, you can just jump on the train and be in Cork soon.

A bit of history about this place – Cobh’s original name was Cove, in 1849 the name was changed to Queenstown as the Queen Victoria herself visited this little place during her reign. Sometime during the 20s the village’s name has been changed to present Cobh. That was about 8 years after Titanic. No clue if Jack and Rose had visited Cobh though.

I’ve been to Cobh a few times already, but just this time I got to see the place properly with V. during her April’s visit. After our vegan paradise which you can read about here, we took the train to Cobh. The train station in Cobh is located approx. 2 – 5 minutes’ walk from Titanic museum. We spotted some other touristic attractions along the way but our mission was clear.

We haven’t visited the museum itself though, since you can see the original pier without entering the museum and obviously you are not allowed on the pier anyway, so .. There is a very nicely looking park with altar and numerous world flags by the museum. Our journey continued from the park to a local Cathedral and a street where the houses just resemble San Francisco architecture. The Cathedral emerges just from behind the houses.

Cobh may not be no. 1 tourist attraction and lowkey I believe we’d have more fun if the weather would be any good, but if you ever happen to travel nearby just take the extra turn, stop by and explore your inner Jack or Rose.

Cobh pier

Cobh park

Cohb Ireland

cathedral cobh

selfie in cobh

flowers Cobh

Queenstown Ireland